106.2 Graphical

Tech Tutorial: 106.2 Graphical Desktops and Remote Desktop Protocols #

Introduction #

Linux, known for its robustness and flexibility, also offers a variety of graphical desktop environments that cater to different user preferences and needs. In this tutorial, we will explore some of the major Linux desktop environments and delve into how to access remote desktop sessions using various protocols. This knowledge is crucial for users who wish to leverage Linux for both personal and professional use, ensuring accessibility and ease of use.

Key Knowledge Areas #

  • Basic knowledge of visual settings and themes.
  • Basic knowledge of assistive technology.

Desktop Environments in Linux #


GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is known for its focus on simplicity and usability. It provides a clean and straightforward desktop environment.

Changing Themes in GNOME #

To change the theme in GNOME, you can use the GNOME Tweak Tool. First, ensure it is installed:

sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

Launch the tool:


Navigate to the ‘Appearance’ tab to change the theme.

KDE Plasma #

KDE Plasma is known for its powerful configurability and sleek graphical interface. It is highly customizable and supports various themes and visual enhancements.

Adjusting Visual Settings in KDE #

To adjust visual settings in KDE, go to System Settings -> Appearance. Here, you can change themes, icons, and more. For command-line enthusiasts, KDE settings can also be tweaked using the kwriteconfig5 command:

kwriteconfig5 --file kdeglobals --group General --key ColorScheme "BreezeDark"


XFCE is a lightweight desktop environment, ideal for systems with limited resources, yet it supports a good degree of customization.

Changing Themes in XFCE #

In XFCE, you can change the theme by accessing the ‘Appearance’ settings:


Select the ‘Appearance’ tab to change the theme.

Remote Desktop Protocols #

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) #

VNC allows you to remotely control another computer’s desktop.

Setting Up a VNC Server on Linux #

  1. Install VNC server:
sudo apt install tightvncserver
  1. Start VNC server by defining a password:
  1. To access the VNC server, use a VNC client and connect using the server’s IP and display number (e.g.,

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) #

RDP is a protocol developed by Microsoft but is also available for Linux through solutions like xRDP.

Installing xRDP on Linux #

sudo apt install xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp
sudo systemctl start xrdp

Clients can connect to the xRDP server using the standard Remote Desktop Connection tool in Windows.

Assistive Technologies in Linux #

Linux also offers various assistive technologies, such as screen readers and magnifiers.

Orca Screen Reader #

Orca is a popular screen reader in GNOME:

sudo apt install gnome-orca

Start Orca:


KDE Screen Reader #

In KDE, you can use the built-in screen reader functionality through the KTTS (KDE Text-to-Speech) system.

Conclusion #

Understanding and being able to configure graphical desktops and remote desktop protocols are essential skills for leveraging the full potential of Linux systems in a user-friendly manner. Whether you are a casual user, a professional, or someone who requires assistive technologies, Linux provides the necessary tools and functionalities to meet your needs. This tutorial aimed to provide foundational knowledge and practical examples to help you get started with Linux graphical environments and remote desktop functionalities.