103.5 Create, Monitor, and Kill Processes

LPIC-1 Exam Objective 103.5: Create, Monitor, and Kill Processes #

Overview #

In this tutorial, we’ll cover the essentials of process management in Linux. We’ll explore how to create, monitor, and kill processes, using real-world examples to distinguish between Ubuntu/Debian-based systems and Enterprise Linux (like CentOS and Red Hat).

Key Knowledge Areas: #

  1. Run jobs in the foreground and background.
  2. Signal a program to continue running after logout.
  3. Monitor active processes.
  4. Select and sort processes for display.
  5. Send signals to processes.

Relevant Commands and Utilities: #

  • &, bg, fg, jobs
  • kill, nohup
  • ps, top, free, uptime
  • pgrep, pkill, killall
  • watch, screen, tmux

1. Running Jobs in the Foreground and Background #

Foreground Jobs #

By default, when you run a command in the terminal, it runs in the foreground. For example:

$ sleep 60

This command will run for 60 seconds and during this time, the terminal will be occupied with this process.

Background Jobs #

To run a process in the background, append an ampersand (&) to the command:

$ sleep 60 &
[1] 1234

The [1] is the job number, and 1234 is the process ID (PID). You can continue using the terminal while the command runs in the background.

Bringing Jobs to Foreground and Background #

  • To list current jobs:

    $ jobs
    [1]+  Running                 sleep 60 &
  • To bring a job to the foreground:

    $ fg %1
  • To send a foreground job to the background, first suspend it using Ctrl+Z, then use:

    $ bg %1

2. Signaling a Program to Continue Running After Logout #

The nohup (no hangup) command allows a process to continue running even after the user has logged out.

Using nohup #

$ nohup sleep 60 &

Output is redirected to nohup.out by default.

3. Monitoring Active Processes #

Using ps #

The ps command is used to display information about active processes.

  • To display processes for the current shell:

    $ ps
      PID TTY          TIME CMD
     1234 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
     5678 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
  • To display all processes:

    $ ps aux
  • To filter processes using grep:

    $ ps aux | grep sleep

Using top #

The top command provides a dynamic real-time view of running processes.

$ top

Press q to quit.

Using htop #

htop is an interactive process viewer (not installed by default on some systems).

  • To install on Ubuntu/Debian:

    $ sudo apt-get install htop
  • To install on Enterprise Linux:

    $ sudo yum install htop

Run it using:

$ htop

Memory and System Load #

  • Check memory usage:

    $ free -h
  • Check system uptime and load:

    $ uptime

4. Selecting and Sorting Processes for Display #

Using ps with Sorting Options #

  • Sort by memory usage:

    $ ps aux --sort=-%mem
  • Sort by CPU usage:

    $ ps aux --sort=-%cpu

5. Sending Signals to Processes #

Using kill #

The kill command sends signals to processes. The default signal is TERM (terminate).

  • To send a TERM signal:

    $ kill 1234
  • To send a KILL signal (force kill):

    $ kill -9 1234

Using pkill and pgrep #

  • pgrep finds processes by name:

    $ pgrep sleep
  • pkill kills processes by name:

    $ pkill sleep

Using killall #

The killall command kills all instances of a process by name:

$ killall sleep

6. Watching Commands #

The watch command runs a program periodically, displaying the output in a full-screen interface.

$ watch -n 1 'ps aux --sort=-%mem | head -10'

This runs the command every second and displays the top 10 memory-consuming processes.

7. Terminal Multiplexers: screen and tmux #

Using screen #

screen allows you to create and manage multiple terminal sessions.

  • Start a new session:

    $ screen
  • Detach from the session with Ctrl+A followed by D.

  • List sessions:

    $ screen -ls
  • Reattach to a session:

    $ screen -r [session_id]

Using tmux #

tmux is a terminal multiplexer similar to screen.

  • Start a new session:

    $ tmux
  • Detach from the session with Ctrl+B followed by D.

  • List sessions:

    $ tmux ls
  • Reattach to a session:

    $ tmux attach-session -t [session_id]

Conclusion #

Process management is a fundamental skill for any Linux administrator. By understanding how to create, monitor, and manage processes effectively, you can ensure your systems run smoothly and efficiently. This tutorial provides a solid foundation, but be sure to practice these commands to become proficient.