Puppet Include vs Inherits

dumb looking monkey

Differences Between include and inherits in Puppet #

In Puppet, including a class (include) and inheriting a class (inherits) serve very different purposes.

Using include to Apply a Class #

Purpose and Usage #

  • To apply a class to a node
  • To ensure the class is declared only once, even if include is called multiple times
  • To apply parameterized classes when used with class {} syntax

Key Characteristics #

  • Executes the class immediately when it is included
  • Works with parameterized classes when declared using class {} syntax
  • Does not create a parent-child relationship

Example: Using include to Apply a Class #

class webserver {
  package { 'httpd': ensure => installed }
  service { 'httpd':
    ensure => running,
    enable => true,
    require => Package['httpd'],

include webserver  # Applies the class

Example: Using class {} to Pass Parameters #

class webserver (
  String $package_name = 'httpd',
) {
  package { $package_name: ensure => installed }

class { 'webserver': package_name => 'nginx' }  # Applies the class with parameters

Using inherits to Create a Subclass #

Purpose and Usage #

  • To create a child class that inherits properties from a parent class
  • To extend an existing class by adding more resources or overriding variables
  • Useful for defining default behaviors in a base class and extending them in child classes

Key Characteristics #

  • Does not automatically apply the parent class
  • Inherited class gets all resources from the parent but does not inherit parameters
  • Cannot override parameters dynamically

Example: Using inherits to Extend a Class #

class base_webserver {
  package { 'httpd': ensure => installed }
  service { 'httpd': ensure => running, enable => true }

class custom_webserver inherits base_webserver {
  file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/custom.conf':
    ensure => file,
    content => "Custom configuration",

include custom_webserver  # This applies the child class

Comparison of include vs inherits #

PurposeApply a classExtend a class
ExecutionRuns the class immediatelyDoes not execute the parent unless applied separately
ReusabilityCan be included multiple timesCan only inherit from one class
Parameter SupportSupports parameterized classesDoes not inherit parameters, they must be redeclared
Dynamic BehaviorCan be included conditionallyStatic inheritance, no dynamic behavior
Use CaseApplying existing classes to nodesExtending and modifying class behavior

Best Practices #

  • Favor include over inherits in most cases
  • inherits is rarely used in modern Puppet because it has limitations with parameterized classes
  • Using Hiera with lookup() is usually a better approach for defining default behaviors instead of using inheritance