$ whoami
I’m Brian. This is my personal website. I do Linux infrastructure stuff for work, so you’ll find here mostly that and adjacent topics.
- Linux
- RHEL, Ubuntu
- Software
- Languages
- bash, Python, Puppet, learning C++
- Tools
, etc.
- Version Control
- Git, Gitlab, Github
- Identity and Access Management
- CAS, OpenDJ, LDAP, Duo MFA, Active Directory
- Web
- Apache, Passenger, Web frameworks: Django, PHP
- Clusters
- HPC administration – SLURM, NVidia hardware and software, NHC, Jobstats, various frameworks (e.g., CUDA, MPI, PyTorch, TensorFlow).
- Storage
- Dell Powerscale (Isilon) NFS, CIFS, GPFS, ZFS, Ceph
- Containers
- Docker, Apptainer(Singularity), Kubernetes
- Languages
- Home lab’ing
- Woodturning, Woodworking
- Hydroponic gardening
- Motorsports